This should probably go without saying, but just in case, we’re going to lay it out there for you folks: your brakes are super important. Like seriously, what’s the point of going if you can’t stop when you get there? Despite being such an important aspect of vehicle maintenance, brakes are just one of those features that tend to just get ignored. Just like oil changes, which by the way, are you up to date?
In order to keep yourself and other drivers safe out there on the public roads, it’s critical that you ensure your brakes are up to snuff and in good working order. In general, it’s recommended that you change your brake pads every 50,000 miles or so. But, depending on your vehicle and your driving style, that figure can vary. That’s why we’ve written this very informative article for you: to share with you five surefire signs you need to get your brakes serviced soon.
Squealing, Squelching, or Screeching Brakes.

That horrible high pitch sound you hear when you start putting pressure on the brake pedal. That’s your brakes, they’re trying to tell you something. They’re letting you know in no uncertain terms that they are getting worn down and they need to be serviced. This sound is usually one of the first signs you’ll notice when it’s time to have a brake repair.
Your brakes can sometimes squeak under normal circumstances, like when the road is wet. However, if you are noticing a persistent squeak every time you engage the brakes, you should definitely get them checked out.
Metal Grinding On Metal.
So, squeaky brakes are the first sign of trouble. If you ignore the first signs, you will eventually begin to hear an even more horrible sound of metal grinding against metal. The squeak was your brakes asking nicely, the grinding is the sound of your brakes begging, pleading for you to take them in for an inspection.
Some brake manufacturers purposefully build metal ridges into the bottom of the brake pad so that you know, unmistakably, that your brakes need to be replaced. Immediately. If you hear this metal on metal grinding sound, you need to take your car in to get the brakes fixed, like right now.
Brake Pedal Vibrations.
If you notice vibrations when you put your foot on the brake pedal, that can be a sign that you need to have your brake pads changed. If you notice brakes your car is not responsive to the brake pedal action, is vibrating, or feel unsteady in response to pressure, you probably need new brake pads.
The action of the brake pedal should be smooth, and stop your car easily. If you find that this is not the case, definitely have your brakes checked by a professional mechanic.
Appearance Of Brake Dash Light.
In newer cars everything is computerized and essential features are all connected to that car’s brain. Many newer car models include a sensor on the brake pad that informs the driver when the pad begins to wear down to an unsafe level and should be replaced. This is great because it takes out all the guesswork. When the indicator comes on, get new brake pads. Simple.
Pads Thinner Than ¼ Inch.

If you don’t have a brake indicator dash light, you can just use the good ‘ol eyecrometer. And by that we just mean your eyeballs. If you know a thing or two about brakes, you can check to see if the pad is worn down to less than ¼ inch of thickness. If you don’t know a thing or two about brakes, you can google where to find the brake pad, then check to see if the pad is worn down to less than ¼ inch of thickness. If you aren’t comfortable doing that, and you are in Spokane or Spokane Valley, just call Inland Mobile Mechanic.
If you take good care of your brakes, your brakes will take good care of you. Not only is brake maintenance critical to keeping you safe on the roads, but keeping your pads in good working condition can save you money over the long haul by preventing damage to your rotors and calipers. If you need new brakes, or just want a professional opinion, call Inland Mobile Mechanic and we’ll bring the garage to you.